Home Health 11 foods that cause visceral fat, according to doctors

11 foods that cause visceral fat, according to doctors

11 foods that cause visceral fat, according to doctors

You’re probably eating weight-gaining foods that can specifically cause visceral fat, the dangerous fat that’s hidden deep in your belly and wraps around your vital organs, and here we’ve ranked them in order of how bad they are for you. Why? Visceral fat has been linked to some types of cancer, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and more. It is fatal and everyone is at risk, but it is preventable in many cases with lifestyle choices and avoidance of certain key foods.

Everyone has some amount of visceral fat. Dr.. William Leeauthor of the next book Eat to Beat Your Diet: Burn Fat, Heal Your Metabolism, Live Longer, Tell us. “They usually make up about 10 percent of the normal healthy fats that everyone carries. Fat has many different roles in the body. It’s a cushion for your organs, it releases hormones that control your appetite and other brain functions, it’s your fuel tank for energy from your food, and it can It can also be a space heater that burns to generate heat. In other words, the fat itself — including visceral fat — isn’t bad. But too much of it causes problems.”

Dr. Lee adds, “There are some rare genetic conditions that cause excessive fat accumulation, but most often the accumulation of too much visceral fat is due to excess energy accumulated within the body. This can be a result of several factors ranging from overeating (calories). excess) to physical inactivity (not burning enough calories) to disrupt your gut microbiome (which helps control your metabolism, including the accumulation of body fat).”

Diet plays a major role in visceral fat buildup, so eat this, not that! Talk to the experts who explain 11 foods that can cause visceral fat and why, and rank them from bad to worst of all. Read to the end to see number one, and for more, don’t miss the 5 Best Habits for Losing Belly Fat and Actually Avoiding Them, Says Science.

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Megan Michier Cox, DODignity Health, who is board certified in internal medicine, lifestyle medicine, and obesity medicine from St. John’s Hospital, tells us that most sweetened breakfast cereals are made with refined grains and added sugar. They also have very little dietary fiber since it is removed through processing.

Do you think breakfast cereal with dried fruit is better? Think again. “Even seemingly healthy ingredients, like added raisins or cranberries, can have added amounts of sugar before they’re combined with the refined grain portion of the cereal,” she adds.

Eating this high-glycemic food in the morning can act as a ‘double whammy’ to your health – first by adding empty calories with little nutritional value but second by causing your insulin levels to spike, which in turn can cause diabetes. Having someone feel low on energy about two hours after eating This lack of energy leads to reduced exercise and often leads to a craving to reach for another quick calorie item for quick energy Dr. Cox explains that blood sugar (and insulin) levels ) in a person leads to a higher caloric intake and lower levels of exercise, which is the perfect recipe for visceral fat production.

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According to Dr. Cox, “[Palm oil is] Very high in saturated fat, which is known to cause more visceral fat, especially when comparing individuals who consume saturated fat with those who consume polyunsaturated fat. , specifically in their livers and stomachs, compared to those who ate muffins made with polyunsaturated fats from sunflower oil.

“These findings are particularly true when a person eats more calories than the body needs, which is common in the American diet,” Dr. Cox adds.

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Dr. Tommy MitchellA board-certified family physician with Holistic Wellness Strategies says, “Frozen coffee drinks are undoubtedly delicious, but if consumed in excess, they can have serious health consequences. Due to their high sugar content, frozen coffee drinks can cause rapid increases in blood levels. sugar that have short- and long-term health effects.In addition, these drinks tend to be high in calories, which, when added, can cause an increase in visceral fat, a type of internal fat stored around the organs, and can lead to “For many adverse medical conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. So while they do indulge occasionally, frozen coffee drinks shouldn’t be a daily habit.”

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Dr. Cox tells us, “The creaminess and heavy sugars found in many processed drinks contain massive amounts of saturated fat and refined sugar and are a recipe for developing visceral fat. Many of these drinks contain more sugar than the recommended amount for the entire day. And sometimes more calories than typical meal. Excess calories will also be converted into stored fat.”

As an alternative, choose green, black, or herbal tea. Dr. Cox adds, “These teas have health benefits due to their high levels of antioxidants (and no sugar, saturated fat, or calories).

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Dr. Cox explains: “This combination of refined sugar with empty calories (empty calories are calories that contribute little if any nutritional value) in biscuits and pastries leads to insulin resistance and excess weight, especially visceral fat. The main source of visceral fat accumulation is the amount of Excess calories and these foods are usually high in calories, refined grains, and sometimes saturated fats plus little in the way of dietary fiber that would make a person feel full.

Visceral fat isn’t the only negative side effect of eating these sweets. to me Dana Ellis Honess, PhD, MPH, RD, Senior dietitian at UCLA Medical Center, adjunct professor at UCLA Wilding School of Public Health, and author at Cambridge University Press in Survival recipePastries and biscuits often come with a heavy dose of saturated fat (from butter) or trans fat from margarine or other stable solid fats, which are known to raise cholesterol levels (and LDL cholesterol).

Related: 15 foods that can cause high cholesterol, ranked by saturated fat content

Delicious meats and various sausages
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Dr. Stacy J StephensonBestselling author Vibrant: A Pioneering Program for Energy, Own Your Health, and GlowAnd the And a recognized leader in functional medicine tells us, “Processed meats, such as bacon, sausage, ham, and deli meats, and red meats such as beef, especially high-fat cuts such as rib-eye, have been associated with higher visceral fat in multiple studies.” 2020, higher meat intake was associated, in general, with more visceral fat, especially in women over the age of 45. Better choices are protein sources that contain healthy fats, such as seafood, and plant-based protein sources such as legumes.”

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According to Dr. Cox, “Cheeseburgers contain a combination of foods that cause visceral fat build-up: higher calories, saturated fat, and inflammatory factors from red meat and cheese will cause more visceral fat to be produced and this is often combined with refined white bread that makes up the bun.” Mayonnaise toppings add Or other spreads add more unhealthy fats to the formula.”

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According to Dr. Stephenson, “Refined sugar plus refined fat is a recipe for visceral fat, and a donut contains both without any redeeming nutritional qualities like fiber or antioxidants. And a 2020 study showed that eating added sugar is associated with visceral fat packed around the heart. A study showed A study of overweight adolescents found that eating more fat and fried foods was associated with the accumulation of fat around the liver, while eating more sugar was associated with more visceral fat in the abdomen. Who would eat oatmeal for breakfast instead?”

Related: 6 Oatmeal Habits That Help You Lose Weight, Nutrition Experts Say

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“The next culprit in visceral fat production is French fries, whether in the form of potato chips or French fries,” says Dr. Stephenson. “Potatoes are a high-glycemic food, which means they can cause your blood sugar to spike. Deep-fry them and you’re adding trans fats—commonly used in frying—plus the carcinogenic acrylamides that form when any food is high in carbohydrates. They are exposed to very high temperatures, as in deep-fat frying. In a large double-blind study examining dietary patterns associated with visceral fat, researchers determined that fried foods and fast food were significantly associated with visceral fat.

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Dr. Mitchell explains, “Alcohol is a common beverage that many people consume, especially during social situations. However, it is important to remember that alcohol has certain health effects. In particular, it can contribute to the buildup of visceral fat, and is associated with many conditions.” chronic health conditions, including heart problems and type 2 diabetes.To ensure that your drinking habits remain healthy and safe, consider sticking to lighter drinks with lower alcohol content and limit your daily intake.You can also explore adding healthy alternatives such as carbonated water ​Flavored or fresh fruit juices when you have a drink during social events.

Related: Over 68% of Americans are clueless about the link between alcohol and cancer – are you one of them?

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Says Dr. Stephenson, “If I had to pick the worst ‘food’ that contributes to visceral fat, it would be soda, whether the regular kind sweetened with high fructose corn syrup or the diet kind sweetened with artificial sweeteners.”

Multiple studies have linked sugar-sweetened beverages (the main source of added sugar in the American diet) with visceral belly fat, as well as an increased risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. One study looked at how habitual soda intake affected fat deposition in healthy adults. It showed that sugar-sweetened beverages were clearly associated with greater deposition of visceral fat in the abdominal region,” says Dr. Stephenson.

Sugar-sweetened soda isn’t the only thing you have to watch out for, as diet soda has also been linked to belly fat. “While some older studies do not show that diet soda increases visceral fat, a 2021 study showed that adults age 65 and older who drank more diet soda had increased abdominal obesity, and the association was what The study called it a “staggering dose-response relationship,” which means that the more diet soda people drank, the more abdominal obesity they had,” explains Dr. Stevenson, adding that “diet soda drinking may also lead to the belief that there is something They justify eating more because they are.” Providing “calories from soda, which leads to a higher overall caloric intake.”

In conclusion, Dr. Stephenson urges that “giving up sugar-sweetened and artificially sweetened beverages can be the best thing you can do for your health.”

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