Home Science 3 Planets Will Retrograde In November, But You Have To Worry About Only One

3 Planets Will Retrograde In November, But You Have To Worry About Only One

3 Planets Will Retrograde In November, But You Have To Worry About Only One

November astrology is a lot less chaotic than October astrology, but there are still some astrological events that are sure to turn your head. With Mars now in full swing, this month’s mantra is about moving slowly and deliberately, while striving to maintain clarity when it comes to important details and information. Two exoplanets will also be retrograde, but since they are further from the Sun, their influence will be less pronounced. While a total of three planets will be retrograde during November 2022, the star of the show is definitely retrograde Mars, so prepare to do a lot of revision and revision when it comes to conflict, confrontation, and communication.

Although there will be three planets retrograde across the universe this month, none of them will *actually* be retrograde during the month of November. With Mars just centered in retrograde on October 30th, this retrograde is sure to bring about a period of remarkable revision for every zodiac sign this month, in the weird and wonderful sign of Gemini, just in time for Thanksgiving.

What is undo?

Regression occurs when the planet begins to move at a slower than its normal pace. While every planet far from the stars (aka the Sun and Moon) goes through a retrograde cycle, not all of them are incredibly noticeable. When the inner planets such as Mercury, Venus, and the station Mars are retrograde, they tend to be more visible, because they are closer to Earth and visible to the naked eye. On the other hand, exoplanets like Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are far from us, which means their backlashes are less noticeable, and the effects tend to be more noticeable over a long period of time.

What planets will retrograde in November 2022?

A total of three planets will be retrograde in the sky during November, but two of them are exoplanets that were centered in retrograde months ago. Uranus and Neptune spend several months in retrograde every year, so this period is not out of the ordinary. However, Mars, the only personal planet that has retrograde this month, is retrograde stations once every two years, making its effects even more apparent.

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What to expect from retro planets in November 2022

While Mars, Uranus, and Neptune are retrograde this month, only one of them – Mars – will be the planet causing the most obvious shifts.

Mars retrograde (October 30 – January 13, 2023)

Mars is the planet that controls action, affirmation, and leadership, and when it stops regressing, it tends to slow down our efforts. In the changing weather sign of Gemini, Mars is interested in taking action when it comes to communication, ideas, and opinions, but looking back and misunderstandings are more likely. Consider how you use your words and the types of information you share with others. Since Mars will be in the sign of Mercury for the next few months, translation details and information will be highlighted, but they may not necessarily be accurate. The Mars retrograde is a good time to slow down and reflect on the opinions and ideas you share, to ensure that no confusion arises.

Gemini’s astrological house is located in your birth chart where you will notice a period of revision and revision. Think back to the information you’ve gathered since Mars first transited this air sign back on August 20th. Do you have a solid understanding of this topic? If not, you need to go back and review. If you notice that the themes of your Gemini-ruled house are moving slower than usual, don’t worry. Once you point the stations of Mars on January 13th, things will begin to progress quickly.

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