6 “bad” carbs that are actually good for weight loss

6 “bad” carbs that are actually good for weight loss

Contrary to popular belief, not all carbohydrates are “bad,” even if they are perceived as such. In fact, some of them can help boost your weight loss efforts. Now, it’s important to note that we’re not talking about refined carbohydrates like white bread, pastries, cakes, biscuits, and especially breakfast cereals. But there are some carbohydrates that can be excellent additions to your diet, especially if you want to lose weight. (Some of them might surprise you!) If your mind is in a daze right now, you’re not alone. Get ready to learn all about the best “bad” carbs for weight loss, according to experts.

Eat this, not that! I spoke with The Nutrition Twins®, Tammy Lakatos Shamis, RD, CDN, CFTAnd Lisi Lakatos, RD, CDN, CFT, who are members of our board of medical experts, and who list many bad carbs that are actually beneficial for weight loss. Keep reading to learn all about it, and when you’re done, don’t miss 7 High-Fat Foods to Avoid If You Want to Lose Belly Fat.


Next on this list of the best bad carbs for weight loss are potatoes, which you may be surprised by. “One medium potato has just 110 calories, no fat, and is satisfying thanks to its water content and five grams of fiber, if eaten with the skin,” say The Nutrition Twins. “It has gained a bad reputation because it is usually overcooked, heavily fried (french fries and French fries), buttered or sour cream, and/or mashed or whipped without the skin with butter, cream or whole milk. However, when left in… In its natural form, it can satisfy carbohydrate cravings as a healthy component of a meal.

An excellent way to introduce potatoes into your weight loss diet is to add beans, a little Greek yogurt, or a squeeze of fresh lemon with a pinch of salt and pepper, and you’ll get the “potassium and vitamin C power.” “.

According to The Nutrition Twins website, “You’ll get a real weight loss bonus if you eat baked potatoes after cooling them because they’ll contain weight loss resistant starch. Resistant starch acts as a prebiotic that feeds the probiotics in your gut, which helps “improve the health of your microbiome.” “The healthier your microbiome is, the easier it is to lose weight.”

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Corn on the cob
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Do yourself a favor and add corncobs to your shopping list, ASAP. This carbohydrate is an excellent choice for weight loss, because it provides a lot of fiber and invites you to slow down your eating and chewing. “Your brain has more time to get the signal that you’ve eaten,” point out The Nutrition Twins. “Plus, the visual cue of the kernelless piece on your plate helps keep you aware of how much you’ve eaten, so it’s harder to ‘forget’ what you ate. Add that an ear of corn is only about 100 calories, with three grams of Fiber, which makes you feel full.”

Research links a variety of health benefits to eating corn on a regular basis; It reduces the risk of developing chronic health problems such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity. Just pay attention to the amount of butter you add to the corn. “This is what gives corn a bad reputation for your weight because it typically adds more than twice the calories of a serving of corn (or popcorn),” warns The Nutrition Twins.

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Whole wheat bread
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No, you didn’t read that wrong, bread can be good for weight loss! “Not all bread is created equal,” stresses The Nutrition Twins. “Whole wheat bread is in. One slice of whole wheat bread is only 110 to 120 calories and can stop the feeling of carb deprivation in its tracks. This is big because when people feel carb deprived, then they end up overdoing it or overdoing it. “You eat refined carbohydrates or sugar and do a lot of damage to your waistline.”

Whole grains provide nutrients and fiber that will keep you feeling full. Additionally, research reveals that individuals who consume whole grains are more likely to achieve and manage a healthy weight than those who do not consume any whole grains. “Some of our customers enjoy open-faced sandwiches to keep carbs low while still getting their carbs,” The Nutrition Twins offered.

Woman eating a banana while driving in a car
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You may see bananas as just another sugar-packed fruit, but when it comes to achieving your weight loss goals, choosing unripe bananas is the name of the game. “It’s a good source of satiating fiber and is low in calories,” say The Nutrition Twins. “Unripe bananas contain resistant starch that is indigestible and helps prevent carbohydrate absorption, which is obviously important when it comes to weight loss. Resistant starch has been found to improve insulin sensitivity which is important because insulin insensitivity is linked to weight gain.”

Related: 8 Best Anti-Inflammatory Foods for Weight Loss

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Next is beets. Don’t be shy about eating these carbs because of their high sugar content. The Nutrition Twins actually call beets “sweet little gems.” [that] “Full of nutrients.” The nutrients in beets help your body in the detoxification process, help enhance exercise performance, and fight diseases. “A two-inch beet contains just 35 calories, 2.5 grams of fiber, and plenty of water. It fills you up, and helps you eat fewer calorie-dense foods,” The Nutrition Twins website adds. “Beets are also a good source of nitrates, which reduce inflammation by helping to remove harmful compounds from the blood.”

Additionally, if you need a little extra “oomph” during your workout to help you go harder and burn more fat, the nitrates in beets have been linked to enhancing physical performance by helping your mitochondria produce a greater amount of energy in… cells.

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You may have heard that carrots won’t benefit your weight loss efforts because they’re full of sugar. Get rid of this mentality now! “[Carrots] “It contains no added sugar and, in fact, fights the inflammation caused by sugar that makes losing weight more difficult and leads to weight gain,” The Nutrition Twins explain. “What’s more, fill up on two medium-sized carrots before a meal, and at just 48 calories, you’ll not only get four grams of fiber; [but also] Anti-inflammatory nutrients like beta-carotene, which is crucial for eye health and boosts immunity.

As if carrots couldn’t get any more appealing, they’re also high in water, giving you an extra boost of hydration and helping you feel full, so you’ll consume less at your next meal, which can save a lot of extra calories. “A large percentage of our customers do this before meals and tell us that not only does it alleviate their cravings, but it also helps keep them regular, so they feel lighter and more energized,” The Nutrition Twins add. “In addition, raw carrots rank low on the glycemic index (GI), (16 out of 100 for raw carrots), which is a measure of how quickly foods raise blood sugar after a meal.”

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