Today, the US Patent and Trademark Office published a series of more than 50 Apple patent applications. Most of them are high-tech patents that only engineers might appreciate. Our report provides a list of 51 patents for those who would like to explore more technical patents on their own. An eccentric Apple patent application published today covers a major update to one of the original iPhone patents filed back in 2005. Finally, Apple won a design patent this week for the 2019 iPhone 11.
2 Titan Patent Project Updates
Today, the US Patent Office has published two ongoing patents relating to Apple’s Project Titan, its long-term autonomous electric vehicle project. One is for ‘Standard Charging of Vehicles’ and the other is for ‘Enhanced Passive Entry for Vehicles’. Either way, Apple added 20 new technology patent claims to each patent.
Update one of the original iPhone patents
A third patent application of moderate interest published this morning relates to one of Apple’s original iPhone patents.
In order to quickly protect certain features of the iPhone, Apple actually updated one of the original iPhone patents dating back to 2005 or 22 months before the official release of the iPhone in January 2007. Using the ongoing patent protection of the United States Patent and Trademark Office, the Apple does not have to apply for a “new patent” in order to protect new additions to the original legal patent claims.
Today’s patent update describes the use of “multi-touch sensors” 18 times in patent claims that were never part of the original 2005 patent.
Other patent applications today and/or ongoing patents
In 1992, a tune by Bruce Springsteen hit the charts with “57 Channels and Nothin On”. Of course, now it’s more like 157 cable channels, noting that sometimes, in a sea of content, there is not much that can capture your interest or imagination.
Today is one of those days when there are a lot of Apple patent applications published by the US Patent Office (USPTO), but not so much of interest for the average Apple fan. Then again, if you’re an engineer, there’s a list of 51 patents shown below that you can check out at the patent office today.
2019 iPhone 11 design patent
On Tuesday, the US Patent Office granted Apple a design patent for its 2019 iPhone 11 model as shown below.
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