The Honest Trailer for Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore has been making the movie issue the final installment of Wizarding World for a while.
honest trailer for Fantastic Beasts: Dumbledore’s Secrets It makes the case that the movie killed the franchise. After the conclusion of the main line Harry Potter Movies In 2011, Warner Bros. aspired. and JK Rowling to continue exploiting the property’s big screen with prequel/spinoff Fantastic monsters and where to find them. Released in 2016, the first Fantastic beasts It grossed $814 million worldwide and paved the way for an entirely new series set in the wizarding world. It has been said Fantastic beasts It was conceived as a five-part story, but since then the franchise has lost much of its appeal.
A mixture of bad word of mouth and personal disagreements regarding Rowling and Fantastic beasts Johnny Depp star led to 2018 Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald See diminishing returns of $654.8 million worldwide. Although there appears to be waning interest in the franchise, WB is bringing forward a third film, this year Fantastic Beasts: Dumbledore’s Secrets. Although it received slightly more positive reviews than its predecessor, Dumbledore’s secrets was lower Harry Potter Opening of the box office at all. This has led to speculation that the series is now dead in the water, an assessment with which Honest Trailers agree.
Screen buffs Share the latest entry in the Honest Trailers brand series, targeting Fantastic Beasts: Dumbledore’s Secrets. The video speculates that this will be the last Wizarding World movie for a while. Check out our honest promo in the space below:
Click to watch the original video.
While presented in the usual humorous approach of Honest Trailers, criticism points to multiple reasons why Fantastic beasts The series failed to attract the audience’s attention to a large extent Harry Potter. The story’s overarching focus on wizard politics along with memorable characters (Newt’s lack of plot importance was highlighted) stripped the franchise that made it special in the first place. Perhaps the most indictable indictment Dumbledore’s secrets It’s the part in the honest trailer where the narrator is unsure if some of the supporting characters have appeared in previous installments, which shows how little impact the new cast has had in the zeitgeist when compared to the Harry Potter the band. Harry, Ron, and Hermione are still loved by fans (see: Harry Potter 20th Anniversary Special), while Newt and his cohorts are in limbo.
The World Bank has not yet announced what will happen Fantastic Beasts 4. With the series struggling to maintain a large enough audience at the box office, there is arguably little incentive to give the green light for another sequel (which would cost in the $200 million range to produce). Some have made the case that it would be smart to create a file Harry Potter and the cursed Child The movie, which would capitalize on nostalgia to see Harry, Ron, and Hermione return to the big screen. Harry Potter is a property too big for WB to keep on the shelf forever, so they’ll likely come up with something to try and bounce off Fantastic Beasts: Dumbledore’s Secrets.
Source: Screen Junkies
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