If you’re like us, you’ve gotten “the talk” from your doctor warning you that your LDL cholesterol is too high and advising that prescription statin medications be on the safe side. Although high levels of LDL cholesterol do not bode well for your heart, it is also true that cholesterol medications have various side effects. Plus, medications can be expensive! Fortunately, statins aren’t the only thing that can help control your cholesterol. In fact, a recent study found that a simple fruit extract that you can mix into a natural drink significantly lowers cholesterol.
The study was published in the journal BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapeuticsfound that amla fruit extract “lowered total cholesterol and LDL (“bad”) cholesterol (details below). The researchers advise that the natural fruit extract “can be used as an adjunct to conventional treatment.” [such as] Lifestyle modification and pharmacological intervention.
But what the heck is anti-money laundering? Should you include it in your diet? We’ve tapped several experts to find the answers.
What exactly is the AML fruit?

Amla, or “Indian gooseberry”, is a small tree native to India and Southeast Asia. It produces green fruit the size of a golf ball, which is sour in taste but loaded with beneficial nutrients.
“Amla fruit is a natural source of many nutrients and antioxidants, including its high content of Vitamin C”. “At its core, the amla fruit can be considered a natural vitamin C supplement, but it also provides many other beneficial compounds that contribute to overall health.”
People in places like India, Nepal, and Thailand have used amla fruit in recipes, drinks, and natural remedies for hundreds of years. It is a key component of Ayurveda, an Eastern philosophy that emphasizes a holistic, natural approach to physical and mental health.
How Amla Fruit Extract Lowers Cholesterol Naturally
Let’s go back to that study we mentioned earlier. A team of Indian scientists completed a 12-week, randomized, double-blind clinical study in 59 volunteers. Metabolic syndrome. Nearly one in three adults has metabolic syndrome, a group of medical conditions linked to heart disease and type 2 diabetes. (Click for tips on how to reverse diabetes.)
During the study, participants were divided into three groups:
- Those taking a placebo twice daily
- Those taking 250 mg of amla fruit extract twice daily
- Those taking 500 mg of amla fruit extract twice daily
Results: Those who took the 500 mg supplement twice daily had a 21.8% reduction in LDL cholesterol and an increase in HDL (good) cholesterol by 22.2%. They also saw a 19.2% reduction in triglycerides (a type of fat that increases the risk of heart disease) and a 53.8% reduction in C-reactive protein (CRP), a substance the liver produces in response to inflammation. (Research shows that high CRP increases the risk of heart disease.)
Pretty amazing, isn’t it?
Most of these benefits can be attributed to the fruit’s complex blend of biochemicals, explains Michael Witcher, MD, associate professor of medicine in the departments of oncology and experimental medicine at McGill University in Montreal, Canada.
“There is a broad class of molecules enriched within AML called polyphenols. Polyphenols have powerful antioxidant properties that prevent the oxidation (chemical change) of cholesterol into potentially harmful forms,” he explains. “Furthermore, there is evidence that polyphenols enhance the conversion of cholesterol into Bile acids, thus preventing the accumulation of harmful cholesterol within the blood vessels.”
In other words, the fruit extract helps stop the buildup of arterial plaque, which cholesterol can contribute to increasing the risk of heart disease.
“I find the results of this study very promising for individuals with high cholesterol and related health conditions,” adds Dr. Hoffman, founder of Ambari Nutrition. “It is worth noting that both 250 mg and 500 mg doses taken twice daily have proven effective, with the higher dose showing more pronounced benefits.”
Other health benefits of amla fruit powder
Since amla fruit is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, taking it via supplements or mixing it into a drink may provide other health benefits as well, including:
1. Benefit of amla fruit powder: Alleviating heartburn
Gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, is a common cause of chronic heartburn. This occurs when stomach acid flows back into the esophagus, resulting in upper abdominal pain and/or food reflux.
In a four-week, double-blind clinical trial, researchers found that participants who took 1,000 mg of amla fruit extract daily experienced a significant reduction in GERD symptoms compared to those who took a placebo. (Click for 9 more ways to relieve heartburn quickly.)
2. Amla fruit powder benefit: Younger skin
Exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays is one of the main causes of skin damage. A comprehensive review of various pharmaceutical creams found that compounds found in Indian gooseberry and other similar plants may protect against sun damage.
Another study found that antioxidant compounds found in the superfruit seem to reduce the breakdown of collagen, the protein responsible for keeping your skin smooth and supple.
3. Benefit of Amla fruit powder: Thicker hair
In Southeast Asian countries, such as Thailand, plants such as the amla fruit are often used to support hair growth and prevent hair loss. And a study published in Journal of Ethnopharmacology Review the effects of some plants on hair growth. Of all the plants tested, amla was the second most powerful hair loss inhibitor. While these results are promising, the study was conducted on mice, so more research is needed. (If you’re suffering from hair loss, click to discover inexpensive shampoos that can reverse hair loss.)
4. Benefit of amla fruit powder: Reducing the risk of cancer
Most cancer research on amla fruit extract has been conducted using animal models. However, the therapeutic compounds found within the plant offer promising results. Dr. Witcher has seen these benefits firsthand in his own research laboratory. “For me, the most interesting biomolecules within amla are a class of polyphenols called tannins,” he says. “Some of the tannins found within amla have anti-cancer properties and amla extract can kill cancer cells in a laboratory setting. There have also been a few reports that amla extract suppresses tumor growth in animals. It is possible that ingesting the extract Amla daily may reduce the risk of some types of cancer This is an understudied and underfunded area of cancer research.
A natural drink that lowers cholesterol
Amla may be better known in capsule form, but countless women get the benefits of amla by mixing the powder version into smoothies!
“Amla fruit powder can provide similar benefits to supplements. The main difference is in the form and how you prefer to include it in your diet,” says Dr. Hoffman. “Amla powder is made by drying and grinding the amla fruit, which preserves most of its nutritional value.” . It can be added to smoothies and yogurt or as a spice in cooking.
Brand to try: Terrasoul Super Foods. Their Organic Amla Fruit Powder has an average rating of 4.5 stars (buy on Amazon, $14.99), and users can’t get enough of it. One Amazon reviewer, Carolyn, says the powder helped lower her cholesterol. “I have been using half a teaspoon daily since I purchased it [8 months ago]. My cholesterol went from 178 (not bad) to 152! seriously!”
Andrea Wilson gave the powder a 5-star rating, noting, “I use amla powder every day in my smoothie to help reduce my cholesterol.” Try mixing a scoop of amla powder into these delicious smoothies!
Other ways to get your daily dose of superfruit
If you prefer to take supplements, follow Dr. Hoffman’s advice: “I recommend looking for trusted brands that prioritize quality and transparency in their manufacturing processes.” “Two popular options in the market are Himalaya Organic Amla (Buy from Amazon, $16.99 for 60 capsules) and Organic India Amlaki (Buy from Amazon, $17.99 for 90 capsules).”
“I recommend these brands because they have a strong commitment to using organic AML fruit and prioritize stringent quality control procedures,” he adds. “Moreover, they carefully import their ingredients to ensure high potency, and their manufacturing processes are designed to preserve the natural quality of the fruit.”
On the other hand, Dr. Witcher recommends using amla fruit supplements made by Sabinsa. “It’s branded as ‘Saberry,'” he says. “Many companies buy Saberry and package it under their own brand name. I will look for ingredients that show the term Saberry Extract or any other reference to Sabinsa Corp. One to try: SuperSmart Double Amla (Buy from Us.SuperSmart, $23 for 100 capsules)
Other companies, such as Life Extension, use Capros, another branded AML fruit extract. For example, Life Extension’s Advanced Lipid Control contains 500 mg of Capros per serving (buy from LifeExtension.com for $22.50 per 60 capsules).
How much amla fruit extract should you take daily?
Most supplements contain 250 mg to 500 mg of amla fruit extract, the same doses that had the greatest cholesterol-reducing effect in the Indian study.
“I recommend taking a 500 mg supplement twice daily,” says Dr. Witcher. “However, consumers should be aware that AML may act as a laxative, so this should be kept in mind when finding the ideal dose. Taking 250 mg twice daily may be enough to obtain health benefits, especially for those with allergies.” For the diuretic properties of the plant.
Who should not take amla fruit extract?
Amla fruit extract has a proven safety record. “It is important to know that the study did not find any adverse events among the participants,” Dr. Hoffman adds. However, it is important to consult your healthcare provider before starting to take any new vitamin or nutritional supplement, especially if you are currently taking prescription medications or have an underlying medical condition.
You should also avoid amla fruit extract if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Currently, there is little research regarding the plant’s effect on children’s growth and breast milk.
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This content is not a substitute for professional medical advice or diagnosis. Always consult your doctor before pursuing any treatment plan.

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