Home Health Vitamin D and longevity: why anti-aging scientists and biohackers take it

Vitamin D and longevity: why anti-aging scientists and biohackers take it

Vitamin D and longevity: why anti-aging scientists and biohackers take it

Biohacker Brian Johnson and immunologist Dr. Anthony Fauci both say they take vitamin D supplements for healthy aging.
Magdalena Wonsinska for Brian Johnson; Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc. via Getty Images

  • Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that our bodies use to help us absorb calcium.
  • As they age, it becomes more difficult for them to use the vitamin D they get from food and the sun.
  • Dr. Anthony Fauci, biohacker Brian Johnson, and others have said they take vitamin D supplements for healthy aging.

There’s no standard anti-aging protocol, and no single treatment that doctors and scientists all agree can turn back our biological clocks — at least not yet.

some Biohackers are trying to price Plasma injections for young people, which cost thousands of dollars, while other research scientists say the benefits of regular and regular exercise Healthy diet Unmatched.

But if there is one anti-aging capsule that everyone who invests in, studies, or personally deals with aging can agree on – then Vitamin D may be it.

Immunology expert Dr. Anthony FauciBoth anti-aging researcher João Pedro de Magalhaes and billionaire longevity investor Christian Angermayer told Insider that they take vitamin D supplements, in different doses, and at different times of the year.

Angermayer called this “one of the really proven things” people can do to combat aging, in part because of the beneficial effects vitamin D can have on the immune system and immune system. On the risk of cancer.

Vitamin D helps absorb calcium, which reduces inflammation

Vitamin D helps us The intestine absorbs calcium One of the foods we eat, which keeps our bones healthy and strong. When we don’t absorb enough calcium from our diet, our body digs into the calcium stored in our bones to meet its needs.

Studies have consistently shown that older adults who take vitamin D supplements (ranging from 400 to 800 IU – or international units – daily) significantly reduce their risk of bone fractures, including many who eventually break. deadly Hip fractures.

Vitamin D also helps prevent muscle cramps and spasms, reduces inflammation, and improves immune function.

How much vitamin D should you take? It depends.

If you eat salmon or other foods rich in vitamin D regularly, you may not need supplements at all.

Technically, all children and adults up to age 69 have the same US recommended daily amount of vitamin D (600 IU).

suggests Dr. John Belezikian, an endocrinologist at Columbia University Medical Center For most people, 15 to 20 minutes of sun exposure in the summer months should be enough.

Fatty fish such as salmon or tuna, as well as (to a lesser extent) beef, fortified milk and egg yolks, can also help replenish vitamin D stores. If you have too much of it in your diet, you may not need supplements at all.

However, there are some groups of people who should consider taking vitamin D supplements year-round, including:

Once people reach age 70, experts recommend increasing vitamin D intake to 800 IU per day. Three ounces of red salmon (570 IU) plus a cup of fortified milk (about 100-150 IU) will get you far.

Do not take too much vitamin D, as too much can lead to a dangerous accumulation of calcium in the kidneys, heart, blood and lungs. The safe upper limit is 4,000 IU per day, according to the National Institutes of Health.

How much vitamin D do experts take?

Derek Davis/Portland Press Herald via Getty Images

Biohacker Bryan Johnson (the tech entrepreneur who injected his son’s blood), 46, takes 2,000 IU of D3 every morning, according to His website. Angermayer, a 45-year-old billionaire investor, takes about 4,000 IU every three days. Dr. Fauci, 82, did not specify exactly how much vitamin D he takes for Insider, but he said his levels, which were “low” before he started supplementing, are now “normal.”

De Magalhaes doesn’t worry too much about taking vitamin D in the summer, but during the winter he adds vitamin D supplements to his straightforward “fairly healthy” anti-aging regimen — along with regular exercise, not smoking, and consuming very little alcohol or beverages. Fast food.

“I’m not doing gene therapies in my garage or anything,” de Magalhaes told Insider. “You have to find that balance between enjoying life, and living healthy, which statistically will allow you – in all probability – to live longer.”

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