Home algeria Al-Arbawi: President Tebboune worked to establish the state of rights and law – Algerian Dialogue

Al-Arbawi: President Tebboune worked to establish the state of rights and law – Algerian Dialogue

Al-Arbawi: President Tebboune worked to establish the state of rights and law – Algerian Dialogue

Prime Minister Nadhir Arbawi stressed the importance that the President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, attaches to human rights in its various political, economic and social dimensions, and the comprehensive approach taken by Algeria in this field, reviewing in particular the comprehensive reforms launched by the President of the Republic in order to consolidate the state of right and law and promote rights. And freedoms.
Prime Minister Nadhir Arbawi, representing the President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, in his first outing, supervised the opening of the sixth judicial dialogue of the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights, with the slogan “Promoting human rights in Africa: challenges and opportunities in integrating regional human rights jurisprudence into national courts.” , at the International Conference Center in the presence of the Minister of Justice, Keeper of the Seals, Abdul Rashid Tabbi, the President of the African Court, Imani Abboud, the judges of the Court, the presidents of the Supreme Courts, the national constitutional courts from all over the continent, the judges of the sub-regional courts, and representatives of the African Union and human rights institutions.

The Prime Minister said in his speech: “We must remember the proactive vision of the drafters of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights when it enshrined the right to development as an inalienable human right, and stressed the inseparability between civil and political rights and economic, social and cultural rights, and that fulfilling the latter guarantees the enjoyment of Those civil and political rights.”
By the way, the Prime Minister presented the major axes of the constitutional and legislative reforms launched by President Tebboune more than three years ago, in which he made consecrating the state of right and law one of its most important pillars.
In this regard, the Prime Minister highlighted the important measures to strengthen the guarantees related to respect for human and peoples’ rights included in the Algerian Constitution initiated by the President of the Republic in 2020, especially with regard to consecrating the principle of legal security, generalizing the principle of two-tier litigation, and expanding the field of defense of unconstitutionality to include the field of regulation, This allowed for a comprehensive reform of the legislative and institutional system concerned with human rights and to direct it fully towards contributing to achieving comprehensive development with the citizen at its center and goal.
He added, “This path required paying special attention to the comprehensive reform of justice and strengthening its independence, as it is an essential element for strengthening the path of national construction towards judicial governance and giving the human character to judicial work,” especially by introducing a profound reform to the Supreme Judicial Council that allowed its complete independence to be established and its actual embodiment. Due to its exclusive specialization in the field of managing the professional lives of judges, this workshop is expected to culminate in the issuance of the new basic law for the judiciary, which will strengthen the independence of the judge, protect him from any external influence, and ensure the improvement of his professional and social status.
The Prime Minister also highlighted the efforts made in the field of training judges, enhancing their knowledge and professional gains, and developing the capabilities of various agents charged with enforcing the law, with a special focus on raising the level of awareness among various stakeholders in judicial activity on issues related to the protection of human rights.
Nadhir Al-Arbawi explained that in addition to Algeria’s keenness to include all international standards related to human rights within its national legislative system, the 2020 Constitution has enshrined this trend by enshrining the obligation of the national judge to exercise his duties by implementing ratified treaties.
Al-Arbawi pointed out that it is a good coincidence that he renewed his commitment to promising African judicial work, to which he had previously contributed modestly among a group of officials and legal experts from member states of the African Union in finalizing the founding text of the African Court.

The most basic human rights are violated in occupied Palestine

Regarding respect for human rights, Al-Arbawi said: “The most basic principles of human rights are violated in occupied Palestine as a result of the genocidal war waged by the brutal occupation against the brotherly Palestinian people. In the face of these crimes, the international system is unable to enforce respect for human rights, and with every bombing directed by the occupation army on the Gaza Strip, the values ​​and principles of international humanitarian law fall.
The Prime Minister recalled the appeal of the President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, on the occasion of the opening of the judicial year, to all free people in the world, legal experts, organizations and human rights bodies to lift
A lawsuit before the International Criminal Court and international human rights organizations against the Israeli entity because of the crimes it commits against the Palestinians, especially in the Gaza Strip,
Calling on the international community to shoulder its responsibilities to ensure international protection for the brotherly Palestinian people and to work to end decades of impunity for crimes committed against the people.
The brotherly Palestinian.

Self-determination of peoples is an inalienable right
On another level, the Prime Minister recalled that human rights include the right of peoples to self-determination, which is an inalienable right that has been unanimously recognized by the international community through UN resolutions.
Al-Arbawi added that this basic principle found its way to realization, and constituted a just and historic solution for many African countries to gain their independence and enjoy their freedom and dignity.
In this context, the Prime Minister pointed out that the Sahrawi people have been deprived for nearly fifty years of their legitimate right to self-determination, which requires continued work and redoubled efforts in order to mobilize international solidarity to activate all mechanisms necessary to ensure respect and implementation of the relevant resolutions of international legitimacy, in addition to To implement the rules of international human rights law and international humanitarian law.

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